Statement of Purpose
Statement of Purpose
May 2023
This Statement of Purpose has been produced in accordance with the requirements of Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016, The Regulated Services (Service Providers and Responsible Individuals) (Wales) Regulations 2017.
The Registered Persons of Llantrisant Care Home are:
The Responsible Individual
The Managing Director of Abraham Nursing Homes Ltd, which is the parent company of Llantrisant Care Home is Mr Zaher Shaikh. Mr Shaikh has been the Responsible Individual for Llantrisant Care Home from 2007.
The contact address for Abraham Nursing Homes Ltd and Llantrisant Care Home is:
Llantrisant Care Home
Old Llantrisant Road
Mid Glamorgan
CF72 8LQ
Tel: 01443 239 001
Fax: 01443 237 973
Email Address:
Company Registration Number: 04640348
The Manager
The Manager of Llantrisant Care Home (LCA) is Mrs. Claire Webber. Mrs. Webber is a qualified Registered General Nurse (RGN) with over 12 years of experience working solely in care homes. Mrs. Webber is a very approachable individual who ensures that all the residents at Llantrisant Care Home receive the highest quality of care. Mrs. Webber obtained her RGN qualification in 2009 from Swansea University and ever since has held several roles within care homes, which include deputy manager and clinical lead. Mrs Webber joined Llantrisant Care Home in 2017 as an RGN before progressing her way up to the deputy manager shortly thereafter and became home manager in March 2020. Mrs Webber is passionate about the safety, wellbeing and overall care of the residents of the home and it’s mission and values. Mrs Webber completed the QCF-Level 5 in Health and Social Care and is registered with the Care Council of Wales and Care Inspectorate Wales.
Who Works at Llantrisant Care Home? The Number, Qualifications and Experience of Staff
Residents and their representatives can be assured that they are always supported by suitably qualified and experienced staff.
We have purposefully not established a fixed staffing notice for our home as we believe that residents care needs are a fluctuating situation and minimum staffing today may not suit their needs tomorrow. We therefore offer reassurances that we will maintain the staffing level which are nationally recognised and in addition to this, always deliver at the most appropriate level and to the highest standards, considering their daily needs and level of dependency.
We appreciate that the delivery of a high standard of care and support to our residents is dependent on not only good recruitment procedures but also the ongoing support and training of staff. The majority of our staff receive not only the ongoing mandatory training but also training which is supported by the company to at least QCF level 2, and QCF level 3 and above in Health and Social Care.
With a team of these experienced staff including Registered Nurses, QCF qualified care assistants, senior carers and a variety of other experienced support staff, we ensure the provision of an appropriate care programme, which is resident focussed and individualised, in a supportive and non-restrictive environment
How is Llantrisant Care Home Organised?
The organisation chart below illustrates the lines of accountability between the Registered Persons, who have overall responsibility for the provision of services at Llantrisant Care Home, and the staff of the Home who discharge that care daily.
Staffing levels in relation to the number and category of residents at the home/ typical rota (This can vary depending on the level of occupancy and dependency of existing residents)
Who we can be provided with support and accommodation for – the age range and gender of residents who can be accommodated at Llantrisant Care Home:
Llantrisant Care Home is registered with Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) to accommodate a maximum of 38 people over the age of 65 who have varying degrees of nursing or personal care needs. Within this number, the home may accommodate a maximum of two younger adults under the age of 65. The Home welcomes both male and female permanent residents and respite guests and a choice as to the gender of your care staff will be offered whenever practically possible.
The Range of Needs We Can Meet at Llantrisant Care Home
Llantrisant Care Home is registered with the CIW to offer accommodation to residents, permanent and those staying for limited respite periods, who would require general nursing and or residential care for such residents, including people with physical disabilities. We may be able to provide dementia care if it is not the primary diagnosis and the mental health needs do not outweigh the physical needs of the potential resident. We are not able to offer care to those who have learning disabilities as their primary care needs.
Admission Criteria (including emergency admissions), Care Plans and Care Plan Reviews at Llantrisant Care Home:
The admissions criteria of Llantrisant Care Home are primarily governed by the parameters of our registration, as outlined above.
However, prior to moving into Llantrisant Care Home, an assessment will be undertaken by the Home Manager or Deputy Manager to establish the potential resident’s needs and ensure that the Home can meet the needs identified through the assessments. This assessment will include physical, emotional and cultural needs, including any specific areas of personal safety and risk. During residency at Llantrisant Care Home, both the staff delivering your care and other care agencies which are involved will continuously review these assessed needs.
Pre-admission visits and trial stays at the Home are offered and we would actively encourage potential residents to pre-book at least one of the options available for this. For example, a trial visit could involve the potential resident enjoying a meal at the Home with their family or friends or an overnight or weekend stay if there is a room available to accommodate this.
Where the potential resident chooses to make Llantrisant Care Home their home, they will be involved personally in the planning and ongoing review of their care wherever possible and encouraged to remain as independent as possible with the support of the staff. An initial care plan, and risk assessments to mitigate risks, will be completed in conjunction with the person concerned (wherever possible), their relatives and/or advocate, and the placing service commissioner/s, prior to admission. All of this will be reviewed on a regular basis and a full care plan will be completed at the earliest opportunity to ensure that all needs have been identified and are being met.
All residents have an identified Key Worker allocated when they move in. Key Workers will provide and explain key information about the Home and the care planning process, assist their residents with familiarisation and orientation around the Home and any routines. When required, Key Workers will liaise with relatives, friends and/or advocates or any representative. In the event of a change of Key Worker, residents are consulted regarding the allocation of an alternative.
We do not actively offer accommodation in an unplanned way. However, we do appreciate that circumstances may occur in someone’s life that might necessitate them requiring residential/nursing home care with little or no notice, either in the short or long-term.
When this situation arises, it is the policy of Llantrisant Care Home to work with all the agencies which have a duty of care to the person concerned, to minimise any actual or potential risks in meeting un-assessed needs.
Residents’ Engagement in Social Activities, Hobbies and Leisure Activities at Llantrisant Care Home
Activities are always under review by the Home, as some activities may suit some residents and not others. We also take into consideration that some of our residents may not wish to take part in any activities and we must acknowledge their wishes. We have a full-time Activity Coordinator who is well equipped, organised with long working experience and popular among our residents.
Consulting the Residents Regarding How Llantrisant Care Home is Run
Resident’s views on all aspects of the service are sought by means of individual consultation and family meetings, as well as during informal social occasions with residents and their representatives; this is supplemented by statutory requirements for review with the Local Authority and/or University Health Board for those residents who have their care commissioned by these statutory agencies.
Fire Precautions and Emergency Procedures
The Home has a fire alarm system fitted with “Fire Exit Notices” and “Fire Emergency Instruction Notices” displayed at strategic points throughout the premises and as advised by the local fire service.
Staff are instructed through induction training about fire prevention/drills, which includes the use of the Home’s fire appliances, evacuation, muster points, and raising the alarm.
Fire drills and fire awareness training are carried out at regular intervals and it is a requirement that all staff attend and complete this training.
All fire-fighting equipment is checked by maintenance staff in accordance with manufacturers’ guidelines, routinely inspected by the fire service, and further checked by the Responsible Individual as part of the quarterly internal monitoring arrangements of the Home under Regulation 73 of the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016 and The Regulated Services (Service Providers and Responsible Individuals) (Wales) Regulations 2017.
All fire alarms are tested routinely every week by the maintenance staff of the Home, on a Monday morning at 10:00 and at quarterly intervals by a maintenance engineer from a reputable company. All records are kept of all such testing within the Home.
All furniture, fixtures and fittings within the home meet fire resistance regulations and we require that any furniture which a resident wishes to move into the Home with them meets these standards.
CCTV in operation
The home has recently implemented CCTV cameras in the corridors, communal lounges, communal dining rooms and the outside areas. We believe by using CCTV cameras the safety of our residents, visitors and staff remains at the highest level.
Missing persons and Emergency Evacuation:
All residents are requested to give their consent to having their photograph taken, a copy of which will be placed within the medication administration records and also within a missing persons form which will enable us to support and safeguard the residents within an emergency evacuation of the building or in the unlikely event that your whereabouts may not be known to staff, outside of the Home.
Religious Services
Residents may attend religious services either within or outside the Home in accordance with their chosen faith.
Where a resident chooses to attend religious worship outside the Home, arrangements for transport and accompaniment should be the responsibility of relatives, friends or advocates in the first instance. Unfortunately, we cannot always facilitate such support to residents due to the need to maintain safe staffing levels at the Home.
Where residents request it, we are happy to facilitate religious worship at the Home through visiting representatives of the chosen faith.
We respect the rights of those residents who have no religious faith or belief.
Maintaining Contact with Relatives, friends and other representatives:
At Llantrisant Care Home, we actively encourage our residents to maintain the social contact they enjoyed before moving into our care. We will assist residents with practical ways to maintain contact if requested. We also encourage our residents to develop new friendships during their residency with us.
All visitors are requested to enter their details in the ‘Visitors’ Book’ when they arrive, and to sign out on departure. Visitors are made aware that this is to comply with care home regulations, health and safety legislation and fire regulations, as well as for reasons of security.
Visitors will be welcomed at all reasonable times, although relatives and friends of new residents are requested to be mindful of meal and medication times. The Registered Manager/Nurse/Senior Carer on duty will be able to advise on these matters.
The Resident has the right to refuse to see any visitor, and this will be respected and upheld by the Nurse-in-Charge who will, if necessary, inform the visitors of the resident’s wishes and ask them to leave the home.
Our Complaints Procedure:
A copy of the Llantrisant Care Home Complaints leaflet is attached to this Statement of Purpose. The leaflet is provided to all residents upon admission to the Home. Copies of the leaflet can also be found on the notice board and at the reception. It is a user-friendly, summarised version of the full complaints policy and procedure document to which all residents may also have access upon request to the Manager.
Building Layout at Llantrisant Care Home:
The Home is a two-storey building, purpose built in 1993, and has a rural setting with superb views across the countryside. During 2006 and 2007, a considerable amount of internal alteration work was undertaken to make it fully compliant with the Care Standard Act 2000.
There are 38 single bedrooms all with en-suite facilities and many with exceptional views of the surrounding countryside. All rooms offered to residents for their personal occupancy can be locked to ensure privacy.
Therapeutic Techniques:
Therapeutic techniques which have not been prescribed by a medical practitioner as part of a resident’s ongoing care plan, or recovery from a fall or surgical intervention, for example, can be arranged via external therapeutic practitioners on request.
The appropriate staff of the Home, such as a senior carer or nurse, will arrange and liaise with all parties concerned and record such arrangements on the individual resident’s care plan. These services are charged for directly to the resident by the practitioner concerned.
The Privacy and Dignity of Residents:
We respect the rights of the residents to be left alone and undisturbed whenever they wish as long as the environment is safe to do so. They also will have the right to meet family, friends, and visitors without being overlooked or overheard. Staff will always show regard for the privacy of individuals.
This is the understanding of the residents needs and treating them with respect. We will always respect their rights to privacy and confidentiality.
Managing Challenging Behaviour and the Use of Restraint:
By law, if a person has a decision-making capacity, restraint can only be used if they consent to it, or in an emergency to prevent harm to themselves or others or to prevent a crime.
If the person lacks decision-making capacity, the decision to use restraint must be based on the person’s best interests. Restraint can only be used to protect the person from harm, and must be proportionate to the likelihood of harm, and applied for the shortest time possible.
The common law permits staff to restrain or remove someone who is exhibiting challenging behaviour or is thought likely to cause harm to others.
The Mental Capacity Act also includes the deprivation of liberty safeguards to protect people from being unlawfully deprived of their freedom in a hospital or care home, including through ongoing, inappropriate restraint.
It is the policy of Llantrisant Care Home not to use restraint on a resident who is presenting with challenging behaviour as a matter of course. However, we believe that restraint is a legitimate form of intervention in some circumstances. For example: in a situation where not to restrain would endanger the health and safety of others, and therefore, not to restrain might be considered neglect; residents may ask for a form of restraint because it makes them feel safer, such as the use of bed rails. In this latter example, of course, there would be more time to assess risk.
However, we believe that in some situations, restraint is clearly unacceptable. Holding residents down, or physically stopping them from doing something they want to do, for example, would be considered unacceptable in most cases where there has been no formal assessment of risk and no thorough examination of alternative strategies involving the resident and relatives. The use of manual restraint could be considered a form of abuse.
We may prevent a resident from going out on an outing because of a lack of staff available to supervise.
We should be vigilant not to restrain residents unintentionally, in a similar way as ‘omission’ can be a form of ‘abuse’. These are the kind of circumstances where staff might not realise that they, or the care environment, is restraining a resident.
Older people can find deep-seated chairs difficult to get into and out of without help. This can be a form of restraint, particularly if staff are not available when needed.
Lack of interaction between staff and residents is another form of unintentional restraint. If staff do not communicate with residents, they would not know what they need.
Staff shortages and lack of appropriate professional support can make inappropriate and unintentional restraint more likely. If staff do not have time to properly record or reflect on their practice, care plans and individualised care might suffer.
The decision to use a form of restraint is usually related to concerns that the resident may come to some harm otherwise.
The resident’s needs should guide decisions about the use of restraint, not the needs of the staff, the care home, or relatives, although relatives must be fully involved and consulted in this matter. Finding out about a resident’s past and interests, if possible, with the help of family, could be the key to knowing what to do.
Generally, approaches that do not involve the use of restraint should always be tried first. In trying this approach first, staff can reflect on the outcome and work together to develop an action plan to respond differently to challenging behaviour.
It is important that we consult all relevant agencies and parties, including those with a statutory duty of care to the resident concerned, such as their GP, or the District Nurse.
In situations where a resident’s challenging behaviour becomes increasingly difficult to manage at Llantrisant Care Home, and it is considered that the placement at the Home can no longer meet the needs of the resident concerned, the social care and clinical representatives of the service commissioners, with responsibility for the ongoing review and management of the resident’s placement at the Home, would need to become involved on this. This could, unfortunately, lead to having to find the resident’s alternative, but more appropriate accommodation.
In some particularly difficult cases, the CIW would also need to be kept informed under Regulation 60 of the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016 when episodes of challenging behaviour have escalated to the point where they could lead to harm to other residents of the Home.
Good record-keeping about the day-to-day delivery of care to the resident, and past interventions in relation to what has been effective, and what has not, in the management of their challenging behaviour is essential for good decision-making going forward. It is also where staff explain their rationale for taking any restraining action – an important legal record. At Llantrisant Care Home, the use of restraint will be the last resort, in order to keep it to a minimum. We believe that to achieve this is an important step in obtaining this, knowing the individual, valuing the views of relatives and working as a team.
The most common form of challenging behaviour is aggression, shouting, screaming or using offensive language, including continually calling out for someone, shouting the same word or repetitive screaming.
There are many causes of challenging/aggressive behaviour, including fear of humiliation,
frustration caused by depression with no other way to express themselves leading to loss of judgement and loss of inhibitions and self-control.
If possible, staff will keep a record of anything that triggers someone's challenging/aggressive behaviour. If triggers for challenging/aggressive behaviour can be identified, it may be possible to avoid triggering an episode of such behaviour and therefore the need for our staff to consider the use of restraint.
During an episode of challenging behaviour/aggression, staff try not to make the situation worse by taking verbal abuse personally (it is usually a symptom of an underlying illness), arguing or adopting an aggressive pose, as this may intensify the resident’s aggression. If it is safe to do so, leave the resident to have a short period of time and some space alone to calm down in such a way that they can still be supervised.
When the resident has calmed down, staff will try to act normally with them. The resident may forget the incident quickly, or they may feel awkward. Acting normally is a sensitive way of handling any awkwardness on the part of the resident and can help all those involved, or who witnessed an episode of challenging behaviour, to move on in an atmosphere which has calmed down generally.
Any visitor to the home who displays challenging behaviour/aggression towards residents or staff will be asked to leave the Home. If the visitor fails to leave the Home when requested to do so, or to leave peacefully, the police might be called for assistance.
This sort of incident will also be reported to the CIW under Regulation 60 and to the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub as a safeguarding referral relating to the verbal/physical abuse of residents and/or staff of Llantrisant Care Home.
Llantrisant Care Home occupies a beautiful countryside setting in a triangle between the villages of Tonyrefail to the north, Beddau to the east, and the towns of Llantrisant and Talbot Green to the south. To the west, it is ideally situated to access the services of the Royal Glamorgan Hospital.
The towns of Llantrisant and Talbot Green have excellent transport links, facilitating access for visitors to Llantrisant Care Home along the M4 corridor and A48 east and west. The A470 is also within easy distance of the Home serving visitors north and south of Cardiff, Pontypridd, Aberdare and Merthyr.
In addition to their excellent transport links, Talbot Green and Llantrisant offer visitors great variety for shopping with many popular brands represented in their two well established retail outlets. The towns also have service facilities with the presence of a post office in the high street and the retail outlets.
Llantrisant in particular is steeped in history and is the home of the Royal Mint and its newly opened visitor attraction, “The Royal Mint Experience”.
All this offers residents and relatives opportunities outside the Home to enjoy time together and to take care of
The Home
Abraham Nursing Homes Limited has been providing residential and nursing care at Llantrisant Care Home since 2007.
There are three lounges, two downstairs and one upstairs, a dining room, a hair dressing salon and numerous bathing/assisted bathing and shower facilities. There is a passenger lift to ease mobility. In July 2012, we installed the most modern Call Assistant System, which is connected to all bedrooms, bathrooms, toilets and all communal areas.
Our Mission:
To provide responsive care and hospitality to excellent standards, which reflect the continuous developing nature of individual needs and best practice, in an environment which our residents choose to call their home.
In other words: “To improve and develop the quality of our services continuously”
Our Values:
To respect with responsibility and honesty. Our residents’ rights; support them, and always strive to improve the quality of their lives. These values are underpinned by all that we do at Llantrisant Care Home.
Summarily: “We are ethical, honest and take responsibilities of our actions.”
Our Vision:
is to aspire to be the most trusted and successful of care providers in everything we do for our residents, their relatives and our staff.
In brief: “To be the best”
Our Mission, Values and Vision are underpinned by our policies and procedures. These help us to ensure that we provide and maintain Llantrisant Care Home as a pleasant and safe place to live and work for our residents, visitors and staff. Our policies and procedures are now subject to regular review and are revised as necessary to ensure that we meet our legal and best practice obligations in this regard.
Residents and their relatives/friends/advocates are welcome to examine any of these documents and have a copy of them to retain if they wish. Indeed, this would be subject to our policies on Data Protection. However, we are obliged to provide an overview of our Quality Policy within this Statement of Purpose.
Llantrisant Care Home is committed to providing quality services for residents by caring, competent and well-trained staff in a homely environment. This is achieved by recruitment of staff who share our values and will create a homely environment providing such resources as to ensure that training takes place and that its implementation is monitored to ensure it is effective.
Llantrisant Care Home will provide services based upon both individual and collective consultation and assessment of the residents’ needs. This is achieved by listening to residents, relatives, staff and others with a duty of care to residents and/or an interest in the Home
Ensuring that:
Assessments are made which balance risks and needs
Promoting a level of responsible risk taking in daily living activities
The operation of an effective care planning system
Llantrisant Care Home will involve residents in the planning and review of the services that are provided for to ensure that their needs are met. This will be achieved by enabling and empowering residents to influence the services provided in the Home by giving each resident a real say in how services are delivered here.
Encouraging residents to become involved as practically as possible in all decisions that are likely to affect them at any time during their residency at the Home
Llantrisant Care Home will consult residents, their relatives/friends, staff and other stakeholders about their satisfaction with the services they receive/their views on the operation of the Home and invite suggestions from them for improvement. This is achieved by residents’, relatives, staff and stakeholder satisfaction and consultation surveys, meetings and management reviews.
Llantrisant Care Home will provide catering services which meet the expectations of residents: This is achieved by:
Planned, structured menus which include residents’ wishes, choices and preferences.
Menus which are nutritionally balanced.
Menus which enable residents to make their food choices.
Meals are prepared by staff trained in food hygiene practices and in a kitchen environment which has been hygiene rated by the Local Authority.
Llantrisant Care Home will ensure that residents are fully informed about all matters that might affect their wellbeing. This is achieved by:
Care worker support – support from care staff and management.
Provision of notice boards and other displays which inform the residents.
Llantrisant Care Home will afford all residents and staff the respect of equality and equality of opportunity whilst living or working in the Home. This will be achieved by the implementation and monitoring of our: Equality (and Equal Opportunities) Policy.
Llantrisant Care Home is a safe and secure place to live. This is achieved by:
Ensuring all staff are trained in safeguarding matters and that all staff and visitors are knowledgeable/aware of the Home’s policy and procedures for the safeguarding of residents as vulnerable adults or residents who might be under age.
Ensuring that the physical environment meets all health and safety standards.
Providing each resident with a safe and secure place to store their valuables.
Ensuring that the premises is secured against those seeking unauthorised and/or unwelcome access, without disproportionate restrictions being placed upon residents’ and visitors’ movements in and out of the Home
Compliance with the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
Llantrisant Care Home will offer a range of social activities which meet the needs and personal preferences of the residents. This is achieved by:
Ensuring that activities are offered to each resident which are appropriate to their needs, abilities and expressed preferences.
Ensuring that the Home considers their social, spiritual, cultural, emotional and physical needs in the services it offers to residents.
Ensuring that residents feel comfortable to decline any or all of the activities offered by the Home.
At Llantrisant Care Home, all our residents have:
· the right to be called by the name of your choice.
· the right to care for yourself as long as you are able to do so.
· the right to take personal responsibility for your own actions; and the right to be enabled to take personal responsibility for your own actions in those circumstances where an assessment of risk has highlighted the need for additional support to do this.
· the right to expect that staff will accept you can, and will, take such risks to exercise personal responsibility for your own actions.
· the right to personal privacy , including to lock your own room door.
· the right to expect all staff and visitors to knock on your door and wait to be invited into your room.
· the right to invite whoever you choose into your room.
· the right to independence
· the right to have your dignity respected at all times.
· the right to be treated as an individual.
· the right to receive equality of service regardless of but responsive to any particular needs of your race, religion, culture, gender, gender identity, sexuality, disability and age.
· the right to live your chosen lifestyle.
· the right of access to your personal records and information relating to decisions made that affect your life. Where necessary, to be assisted with this is to be cared for by adequately and appropriately trained staff of the same gender if possible.
· the right to take an active part in any decisions about your care and the daily living arrangements that affect your life.
· the right to have an advocate to support or represent you in any decisions about your care and the daily living arrangements that affect your life.
· the right to be involved in creating your own care plan, and review it, in accordance with your changing needs and preferences.
· the right to have an advocate to support or represent you, in creating your own care plan, and review it, in accordance with your changing needs and preferences.
· the right of access to outside agencies of your choice, e.g. GP, Community Nurse, optician, chiropodist, and where necessary to be assisted with this.
· the right to look after and administer your own medicines when you are able to do so.
· the right to control your own finances when you are able to do so.
· the right to make personal life choices, such as choosing the food you eat, and what time you get up and go to bed.
· the right to access a formal complaints procedure and to be represented by a friend, relative or advocate if necessary.
· the right to participate in all Parliamentary and local government elections, by-elections and referenda, and/or to be assisted to do so.
NHS Medical Care
GPs, Community Nurses, and other primary care staff will visit the Home routinely, or as and when required. Residents may, of course, retain their own GP, if the GP concerned is based within a local practice, and the geographical remit of it covers the location of Llantrisant Care Home.
The Home is a neighbour of the Royal Glamorgan Hospital.
Optician, Dental and Chiropody Services
Regular visits are made by an optician. Chiropodists also visit on a regular basis and their fees are paid by family members. There is a visiting optician, but residents wish to use their own optician, may do so by inviting them at Llantrisant Care Home.
Arrangements are made as appropriate and necessary in order to help maintain our residents’ overall oral health in accordance with the Home’s policy “Improving Oral Health at Llantrisant Care Home”.
There is a chiropodist available for consultation and treatment. This can be arranged by the lead nurse or team leader as required.
Kitchen Facilities, Food Hygiene, Meals and Nutrition
All meals are prepared within the Home’s kitchen. The kitchen facilities meet the standards laid down by food hygiene and health and safety legislation and regulations. The standards to which our kitchen facilities are maintained are monitored by the Local Authority. Our food hygiene rating awarded by the Local Authority is clearly displayed at the Home.
All meals, snacks, drinks and supplements (where the latter are prescribed) are included within the fees payable for the residents’ accommodation at Llantrisant Care Home.
All the meals produced in our kitchen use nutritious ingredients. There is always a choice of meal options available to our residents, to ensure as much variation as possible, and that their favourite dishes and special diets are being catered for. The advice of a dietician is sought as and when necessary.
Residents may dine in our dining room, or in their own rooms as they wish. However, the latter would normally be subject to an individual risk assessment in order to maintain safety, particularly in those circumstances where, for example, a resident may have an existing medical condition which predisposes them to additional risks when eating alone.
Mealtimes are approximately as follows:
Breakfast 8:00am until 10:00 am
Luncheon 12:30pm until 2:00pm
Tea 4:30pm until 5:30pm
Supper 8:00pm until 9:00pm
A selection of hot and cold drinks is always available to residents. Fresh fruit, biscuits and home-made cakes are available mid-morning, and afternoon, and at any other time when reasonably requested, and if not contrary to an individual resident’s dietary requirements.
Individual Accommodation
We have 38 rooms, 14 on the ground floor and 24 on the first floor, which are all suitable for permanent wheelchair users.
All bedrooms are en-suite, with some offering additional showering facilities, all are provided with nurse call and fire detection systems.
All furniture, fixtures and fittings within the home meet recognised fire resistance standards. Any furniture which residents move into the home must meet these standards. For the safety of residents, visitors and staff, we cannot accept items of furniture/fittings that do not meet these standards.
Hairdressing Services
The Home’s salon is usually open on a Thursday and on the salon door is a list of charges. We will try our utmost to arrange for the hairdresser to visit either side of a Thursday if the resident is celebrating a birthday or a special occasion. In order to be able to achieve this, we do request that it is arranged in advance.
Laundry Services
The laundry service provided at Llantrisant Care Home is included within the fees paid for the residents’ accommodation at the Home.
It is the resident’s responsibility, or that of relatives/friends, to ensure that all clothing is clearly name labelled prior to admission, or as soon as possible thereafter.
Whilst all care is taken with residents’ clothes, it is regrettable that sometimes clothing can be misplaced within the laundry system or the Home generally. Clear labelling should help to keep this to a minimum. In this respect, the Home reserves the right not to be liable for any residents’ clothing that is not clearly name-labelled.
The Responsible Individual and Registered Manager of Llantrisant Care Home will consider, on a case by case basis, the liability of the Home to replace clothing/compensate residents for name-labelled clothing that has been misplaced or damaged in the laundry system.
Regrettably, dry and/or specialist cleaning of residents’ clothes cannot be undertaken as part of the laundry service at Llantrisant Care Home.
The Management and Safekeeping of Residents’ Money, Valuables and Property
Upon admission to Llantrisant Care Home, and during their residency, our residents are encouraged to make arrangements for the safekeeping of money, valuables and property with a relative, friend, bank or other safety deposit agency.
The Home will not routinely accept liability whatsoever for loss of or damage to any money, valuables, or other personal property of the resident kept (or said to be kept) by the resident in or about the Home. However, the Home will consider, on a case by case basis, its liability for money*, valuables*, and property* which shall have been:
identified to the Home in writing with a formal written valuation, which is acceptable to the Home as such a document of valuation, and; recorded as part of the inventory of personal effects brought by the resident upon admission to the Home/as part of an update to that inventory during residency, and; deposited with the Registered Provider/Registered Manager for safekeeping for which a receipt will be given to the resident for the sum of money and/or valuable/s deposited
The liability of Llantrisant Care Home in the case of such money, valuables and property, following investigation of any loss or damage, and consideration of the outcome/s thereof, in respect of any item, shall not exceed £100 in total.
If a resident wishes to personally hold any money it is suggested that this be kept to a maximum of £20.
Llantrisant Care Home will not hold sums of money larger than £100 for any individual resident, nor undertake the role of Appointee-ship. Any resident who is unable to manage their personal finances or does not have a family member/friend to support them in this, will be assisted in contacting the Local Authority and/or their care manager for advice on this matter.
A lockable draw is supplied in each resident’s room where smaller valuables can be secured. However, replacement keys if mislaid will incur a small charge.
Gifts and Signing Legal Documents
The Staff of Llantrisant Care Home are not permitted to accept any gifts, and/or presents from residents.
Staff cannot, and must not, be asked to sign, as a witness, or in any other capacity, any legal document pertaining to a resident, their relatives, friends, or any representatives.
Advocacy Services
Sometimes, people have difficulty communicating their needs and wishes to family and professionals. The independent advocacy services offered by Age Connects Morgannwg, formerly Age Concern Morgannwg, is there for people who may need extra support to speak up and challenge the decisions that are being made about their lives.
Age Connects Morgannwg offer this service to residents of care homes.
However, Age Connects Morgannwg does not offer an on-going befriending service to residents. It is not part of CIW. They will not manage residents’ financial affairs.
Arrangements for Pets
At Llantrisant Care Home we acknowledge and understand the enhancement that contact with animals can bring to the quality of residents’ lives and their overall wellbeing. Therefore, we encourage well behaved and house-trained pets, to be brought in to visit residents, and are welcome in the Home and grounds, except for the kitchen, the laundry room, bathrooms (including the toilets) and areas which are used to store equipment, cleaning materials and medicines.
In the interests of hygiene, those visitors bringing a pet to the Home to visit a relative or friend must clean up after their pet in the event of any ‘accident’ and ensure that they bring with them what they will need to do this, and dispose of it responsibly after use.
Residents/visitors are respectfully requested to speak to the Manager beforehand, regarding any pet being brought to visit the Home for the first time.
We also encourage pet therapy within the home, and this will involve some of our dedicated staff members bringing their pets in for the residents to see and engage with. This has always been a success and something our residents look forward too.
In the event of any outbreak, we reserve the right to immediately amend, edit or add new and further policies at Llantrisant Care Home with immediate effect. Indeed, in any such situation, concerned authorities and family members of the residents will be consulted and informed in due course.
If you think we haven’t got something right, please let us know!
To: Our Residents, Relatives, Friends and Advocates,
We understand that we won’t get everything right all the time. Sometimes we need your help to let us know when we might have let you down.
Raising a concern or making a complaint is easy. Don’t worry about doing it, we won’t hold it against you if you do – in fact we’d welcome it.
We’ll take your concerns and complaints seriously. Learning from them is often the best way for us to improve things for you now, and for you and others in the future.
Thank you for your help!
Zaher Shaikh
Owner and Responsible Individual
Llantrisant Care Home
A concern or a complaint can be raised by you, your relative or a friend, or someone who is known as an Advocate, who can speak to us on your behalf about what is troubling you.
A concern or complaint can be raised with any member of staff. Some concerns can be easily settled, but others might need a little bit more looking into, which we would consider as complaints. Complaints can be made by:
speaking to any member of staff
telephoning us on 01443 239001
writing a letter to:
Mr. Zaher Shaikh
Responsible Individual
Llantrisant Care Home
Nr. Pontyclun
Rhondda Cynon Taf
CF72 8LQ
or emailing us at:
If you make a complaint you will receive a letter, acknowledging that you have done so, not more than 3 days after we have received it. The letter we send to you will explain how we will go about dealing with your complaint, and how long this might take – we will keep you informed if things are taking longer than expected.
We sincerely hope that we would be able to look into your concern or complaint and put things right, where they need to be, to your satisfaction. However, if you are still unhappy after we have looked into your complaint, or with how we dealt with it, you have the right to approach any of the following organisations for advice. You can, of course, also raise your concern or complaint directly in the first place with them if you would prefer to.
The Representation and Complaints Unit – Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council
Ty Elai
Dinas Isaf East
CF40 1NY
Tel: (01443) 425003
The Representation and Complaints Unit will receive complaints on behalf of the Council which commissions services, and has a duty of care for the residents of care homes in the County Borough.
The Care Inspectorate Wales
Welsh Government Office
Rhydycar Business Park
Merthyr Tydfil
CF48 1UZ
Tel: 0300 7900 126
The Care Inspectorate for Wales is the Welsh Government’s Service Regulator responsible for inspecting care homes, and can be contacted if you have a concern about our services.
The Public Services Ombudsman for Wales
1 Ffordd yr Hen Gae
CF35 5LJ
Tel: 0300 790 0203
The Public Services Ombudsman for Wales has legal powers to look into complaints about public services and independent care providers in Wales, such as Llantrisant Care Home.
Age Connects Morgannwg Advocacy Services
Age Connects Morgannwg
Principality House
Rear of 31 Taff Street
CF37 4TR
Tel: (01443) 490650
Age Connects Morgannwg provides independent advocacy services, if you would like someone to support you or speak on your behalf about your complaint.